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Rochele HC Hirsch’s Research on

Signatures for Disease


Signatures are specific combinations of recurring stress patterns which Hirsch believes are at the root of why a person is susceptible to a particular disease.

She defines the elements of these recurring stress patterns as HC React Codes (where HC stands for How Come). Hirsch proposes that the HC React Codes contained in the Signature set up reaction patterns -- and thus vibrational frequencies of the energetic body -- that are in harmony with specific diseases or conditions.

Her hypothesis is that:

  • If a person has a Signature, it may or may not lead to the disease, depending on the level of long-term stress or severe trauma the person experiences. Stress and trauma constrict the flow of natural Life Force Energy.

  • If a person is not carrying the Signature, Hirsch believes he/she is probably not susceptible to that disease

When a person is found to have a particular Signature, there are several options for that individual:

  1. Cope as well as possible by choosing to:

    a) Reduce Stress

    b) Enhance Life Force Energy

  2. Transform the Signature:

    a) Transformation changes the elements of the HC React Codes, thus automatically dropping the recurring stress patterns that caused disease, and adding Life Force Energy. It is Life Force Energy that heals the body (given enough time).

Mind-body research is providing more and more evidence of how stress and emotional trauma precipitate disease, and how healing is possible through mind-body techniques.

What Hirsch adds to the field of mind-body research is her system for identifying specific imprints related to the disease or condition, and the method for facilitating transformation of these imprints.

Decoding How Come

The HC React Code™ system Hirsch developed enables her to quickly decode what is happening for a person, and how it relates to their instinctive reaction patterns.

Her premise is that we are all being “successful” in having the hardwired beliefs of the HC React Codes “come true” over and over again in our lives, supported by how we automatically react to life stimuli.

While our conscious mind may be able to interrupt the reaction and choose a different response, we still must cope with these instinctive reaction patterns. And when we’re under stress, the conscious mind may not stop the reaction, but just let it go. Coping takes energy!

Many addictions can be explained by the automatic reaction patterns of the HC React Codes.

By transforming the specific HC React Codes, the person frees himself of the instinctive, automatic reaction patterns, and begins to experience life differently.

To decode a situation, Hirsch develops the information for each element of the HC React Code.

First she detects whether a person is being successful at (a) running a Hardwired Underlying Belief, (b) running a Survival Tactic, or (c) having an outcome of a Survival Tactic. Then she determines the stuck emotion that is holding the system together, the Survival Tactic to avoid the emotion, and the Belief that seems to be coming true.

Once she has decoded the “success pattern” and the sequence of codes that must be cleared, the process of Conscious Transformation can begin.

Clear Intent

This theory also recognizes the primacy of CLEAR INTENT in creating what we say we want.

The issue we all face is that intent can be clear in our thinking, i.e., in our conscious mind, but it may be blocked or impeded by HC React Codes in the Subconscious Filter System.

The goal of Conscious Transformation is to CLEAR the person’s INTENT all the way through the Subconscious Filter System. This includes intent to be free of specific diseases.

The concept of Signatures began in 2006 …

In April, 2006, on a flight to Seattle, Hirsch was thinking through the relationship between her HC React Code system and the issue of Bird Flu. That started her thinking about the Bubonic Plague … and why some people died and others did not die.

Realizing that the Survival Tactic (ST) in the codes generally goes either compliant or rebelling, and that compliant ST behavior is what makes it so hard to change a group’s culture, she started realizing that compliant ST behavior may also cause a person to “die” to be “compliant” with the significant people or culture around them.

People who had more rebellious ST behavior, or who were compliant with others who were rebellious, might very well be the ones who didn’t get sick, or who survived the plague.

Hirsch’s Theory proposes that the body, including its genetic structure, is impacted by the HC React Code information carried in the Subconscious Filter System. The codes activated before birth, during birth and early childhood. The sources for the codes include generational, past life and cultural imprints. Some (very few) originate in this lifetime.

This Theory is consistent with the concepts of Epigenetics, where past emotional and environmental conditions show up in genetic predispositions.

Cellular biologists Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., author of Biology of Belief, and Candace Pert, Ph.D., author of Molecules of Emotion and Everything You Need to Know to Feel Go(o)d, provide further information about how our thinking/feeling reactions are manifested in physical changes at the cellular-level.

From Hirsch’s thinking about Survival Tactic (ST) compliance in the case of dying, the concept of Signatures for specific disease came into focus.

Signatures are specific combinations of HC React Codes.

She realized that the way a person reacts to life circumstances could be predicted by the information in the HC React Codes of the Signature they carry.

Thus began her work on developing the Signatures for a number of diseases and, or course, her desire to test these theories.

Multiple Signatures for Diseases

Hirsch has found that there are usually multiple Signatures for different diseases: for Breast Cancer she has found three (3) Signatures, for HIV Infection, two (2) Signatures, for Diabetes Type II, five (5) Signatures, and for Obesity, four (4) Signatures. Overweight conditions, she finds, have to be decoded on an individual basis.

In addition to clearing the Signature she believes that additional HC React Codes related to Intent for Healing must also be cleared. These additional conditions must be developed for each individual.

Scanning for a Signature

Being an intuitive, Hirsch can energetically scan a person for the Signatures. In talking with individuals and their friends, the accuracy of her scan, as revealed in their attitudes and experiences about life, seems uncanny to them.

We have found that transformation of the HC React Codes in a Signature produces subtle to dramatic changes in a person’s experience of and reaction to life. This includes cravings being dropped (chocolate and crystal meth) to feeling “less bothered” by things.

Healing of physical disease based on the transformation is yet to be conclusively determined. However, anecdotal evidence is showing up.

Certainly we know that reduced stress, which is a major outcome of transformation, supports improvement in health.


Stress is the feeling of "not enough flowing, good-feeling life-force energy."

Five primary causes of stress are:

  1. Thinking / Feeling reaction patterns that "crunch" the flow of life energy

  2. Environmental Toxins, allergic reactions and drugs

  3. Poor nutrition and hydration

  4. Over-exertion with insufficient rest

  5. Extremes of heat or cold

The Particular Disease Is Not “Your Fault”

One important note: the Theory of How Come in no way says that a disease is caused by or is due to how a person thinks. There is no fault involved. Fault implies that a person has CHOSEN to think in a certain way.

Instead, we believe that the spontaneous, instinctual reaction patterns one experiences can provide evidence of what diseases a person may be susceptible to, like characteristics of your eye can provide evidence, or the lines in your hand. These attributes are not controlled by your conscious thoughts. They are part of your innate being as determined by your Filter System.

We do believe, however, that the likelihood of Signatures manifesting physically as disease depends on the level of STRESS in one's life.

Managing and alleviating stress, then, is the major opportunity for avoiding or diminishing disease of any kind. And we CAN consciously support our health by choosing to shift from “stress feelings” to “good feelings,” by moving emotion safely (rather than stuffing it), and by following healthy diets for our metabolic type, exercising regularly, and avoiding toxic conditions in our environment and in our foods (allergies / pesticides / junk food / etc.).

What these Signatures Mean

If Rochele determines that you have a Signature for a disease, it DOES NOT mean that you will get the disease. It simply provides additional information that you can use to reduce your overall stress, alter your life choices and take other measures to further reduce your susceptibility to the disease. By doing so, you will also notice that your overall health and well-being improves.